Demand generation powering buisness growth through strategic marketing

Demand generation is the art and science of strategically stimulating and capturing interest in a product…

Here is how AI and B2B marketing run parallelly with each other

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a groundbreaking technological innovation that has revolutionized various industries, including the business…


5Bn+Digital AssetsMonitored 15Bn+PagesMonitored 90%Cyber CrimeSpace Covered 80B+ThreatIndicators 350B+DarkwebRecords 100+CountriesCyble sensors aredeployed

Compliance And Privacy Enforcer – (CAPE)

CAPE is a full stack Privacy Compliance Enforcement Platform that incorporates advancedfeatures to deliver reliable and…

Ghangor Cloud’s Information Security Enforcer (ISE)

Ghangor Cloud’s Information Security Enforcer (ISE) is a Fourth Generation Data Leak Prevention (DLP) solution that…

SaaS Journey Framework

Our framework was developed by SaaS experts from Amazon Web Services (AWS), with guidance and best…

The Nitty Gritty of Software as a Service(SaaS)

SaaS as an industry has grown exponentially over the past 20 years. Its features and benefits…

SaaS offers numerous options for gaining efficiencies and reducing costs.

Consistent with the basic notion of cloud computing, SaaS is a model whereby the customer organization…

Top 10 SaaS Best Practices

ISVs should follow best practice guidelines and approaches for innovative software product research and development ,…

Unraveling the Power of AI Programming: Building Tomorrow’s Intelligent Solutions Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing industries and reshaping our daily lives.…
